Web Design and Development

Smart back-end and beautiful front-end websites, 100% responsive

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So, how the process works?

A lot takes place before the big launch. From gathering initial information, through to the creation of your site, there are six essential steps in the website design and development process.

The exact process can be slightly different among projects, but the basics remain the same.

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01. Discovery

The first step in designing a successful website is to gather as much information as possible.

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02. Planning

Using the information from phase one, we will put together a strategic plan.

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03. Design

With all collected information, we will determine the look and feel of the website.

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04. Development

This is where the website development happens and all the functionalities are applied. All necessary adjustments can be made in this phase.

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05. Delivery

At this point, I will attend to the final details and your website will be ready for launch.

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06. Maintenance

I am happy to continue working together with you to keep your website up to date.

Say Hello!

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Thank you for visiting my portfolio. For any further enquiries about my work, please feel free to send me an email at amanda@ciobanu.org.

I look forward to hearing from you!

© Amanda Ciobanu | 2020